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1:1 Student Survey

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Year 1 Implementation Survey

1. How often do you use your netbook to do the following...

Once a Week or Less
2 - 3 Times a Week
Write papers
Edit papers
Print papers
Take notes
Work with spreadsheets
Research information on the Internet
Play educational games online
Play educational games that came with Linux
Take tests or quizzes
Complete homework
Create presentations or projects
Send or Receive Email
Google Docs
Use a wiki
Listen to music
Watch videos

Total: 319

2. I use my netbook in the following classes...
(Check all that apply)

 Social Studies
 13 (4%) 
 English; Spelling; Writing; Science; Health; Library
 Spelling; Writing; Math; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 13 (4%) 
 Writing; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Writing; Math; Science; Social Studies
 10 (3%) 
 English; Spelling; Writing; Math; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading; Library
 Spelling; Writing; Science; Literature/Reading; Library
 English; Spelling; Writing; Math; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 28 (9%) 
 Spelling; Writing; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 English; Spelling; Writing; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Writing; Math; Library
 Spelling; Science; Social Studies
 English; Spelling; Writing; Math; Science; Social Studies
 English; Spelling; Math; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Writing; Math; Science; Literature/Reading; Library
 English; Spelling; Writing; Math; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Writing; Social Studies; Literature/Reading; Library
 Spelling; Writing; Math; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 English; Spelling; Writing; Math; Social Studies
 English; Spelling; Math; Science; Library
 Spelling; Math; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Writing; Science; Social Studies
 Spelling; Writing; Social Studies
 Writing; Science; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Writing; Math
 Writing; Library
 Writing; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 13 (4%) 
 Spelling; Social Studies
 Social Studies; Literature/Reading; Health
 English; Spelling; Writing; Social Studies; Literature/Reading; Library
 Social Studies; Library
 English; Writing; Social Studies
 24 (8%) 
 English; Spelling; Writing
 Writing; Social Studies
 47 (15%) 
 Spelling; Math; Science; Social Studies
 Writing; Social Studies; Library
 Writing; Social Studies; Literature/Reading; Library
 Spelling; Writing
 English; Writing; Social Studies; Library
 English; Social Studies; Library
 Spelling; Writing; Math; Social Studies
 English; Spelling; Writing; Social Studies; Library
 Spelling; Math
 Spelling; Writing; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 English; Spelling; Writing; Social Studies
 English; Spelling; Writing; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 English; Social Studies
 13 (4%) 
 Writing; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading; Health
 Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 Writing; Science; Social Studies
 English; Spelling; Writing; Math; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading; Library; Art
 English; Writing; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 English; Science; Social Studies; Library
 English; Writing; Science; Social Studies
 English; Writing; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 Math; Science; Literature/Reading; Health; Library
 English; Writing; Math; Social Studies; Library
 English; Writing; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading; Library
 English; Writing; Math; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading; Library; Art
 English; Writing; Science; Social Studies; Library
 English; Writing; Social Studies; Literature/Reading; Library
 Spelling; Writing; Math; Social Studies; Library
 Spelling; Writing; Math; Science
 English; Spelling; Writing; Math; Science
 Math; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Science; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Math; Science; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Writing; Math; Science; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Math; Social Studies; Literature/Reading
 English; Spelling; Writing; Math; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading; Art
 Spelling; Science
 Spelling; Writing; Science; Social Studies; Literature/Reading; Library
 English; Spelling; Math; Science; Literature/Reading; Library
 English; Spelling; Writing; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Math; Science; Literature/Reading; Library
 English; Spelling; Math; Science; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Writing; Science; Literature/Reading
 Spelling; Writing; Math; Literature/Reading

Total: 319

3. When I am having problems with my netbook, I ...

Not very often I do this
Sometimes I do this
This is usually what I do
Try to solve the problem myself
I ask a friend for help
I ask my teacher for help
I ask another teacher for help
I have to give my netbook to my teacher so that it can be fixed by someone outside of the room.

Total: 319

4. I go to library to locate information less now that I have my netbook.

 Strongly Disagree
 24 (8%) 
 40 (13%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 77 (24%) 
 119 (37%) 
 Strongly Agree
 59 (18%) 

Total: 319

5. Having my netbook helps me to be better organized.

 Strongly Disagree
 12 (4%) 
 32 (10%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 88 (28%) 
 126 (39%) 
 Strongly Agree
 61 (19%) 

Total: 319

6. I am more involved in my school work when I use my netbook.

 Strongly Disagree
 14 (4%) 
 46 (14%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 84 (26%) 
 115 (36%) 
 Strongly Agree
 60 (19%) 

Total: 319

7. I would rather not use my netbook.

 Strongly Disagree
 182 (57%) 
 74 (23%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 30 (9%) 
 21 (7%) 
 Strongly Agree
 12 (4%) 

Total: 319

8. I am more likely to revise/edit my work when it is done on my netbook.

 Strongly Disagree
 15 (5%) 
 35 (11%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 84 (26%) 
 117 (37%) 
 Strongly Agree
 68 (21%) 

Total: 319

9. All of the information available on the Internet make it difficult for me to research/analyze the information.

 Strongly Disagree
 78 (24%) 
 134 (42%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 75 (24%) 
 25 (8%) 
 Strongly Agree

Total: 319

10. Now that I have my netbook I interact with my teachers more.

 Strongly Disagree
 32 (10%) 
 75 (24%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 147 (46%) 
 54 (17%) 
 Strongly Agree
 11 (3%) 

Total: 319

11. I do more work when I use my netbook.

 Strongly Disagree
 16 (5%) 
 65 (20%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 113 (35%) 
 93 (29%) 
 Strongly Agree
 32 (10%) 

Total: 319

12. I get my work done more quickly now that I have my netbook.

 Strongly Disagree
 13 (4%) 
 44 (14%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 88 (28%) 
 111 (35%) 
 Strongly Agree
 63 (20%) 

Total: 319

13. I am better able to understand my schoolwork when we use the netbooks.

 Strongly Disagree
 14 (4%) 
 49 (15%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 134 (42%) 
 92 (29%) 
 Strongly Agree
 30 (9%) 

Total: 319

14. I am more interested in school when we use netbooks.

 Strongly Disagree
 19 (6%) 
 43 (13%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 73 (23%) 
 108 (34%) 
 Strongly Agree
 76 (24%) 

Total: 319

15. I prefer to handwrite my assignments rather than use my netbook.

 Strongly Disagree
 125 (39%) 
 68 (21%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 71 (22%) 
 31 (10%) 
 Strongly Agree
 24 (8%) 

Total: 319

16. The quality of my work has improved since I began using my netbook.

 Strongly Disagree
 45 (14%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 131 (41%) 
 103 (32%) 
 Strongly Agree
 31 (10%) 

Total: 319

17. I am responsible and care for my netbook, ALWAYS.

 Strongly Disagree
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 18 (6%) 
 89 (28%) 
 Strongly Agree
 208 (65%) 

Total: 319

18. If given the option, I would choose to take my netbook home nightly and bring it back to school daily.

 Strongly Disagree
 30 (9%) 
 22 (7%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 48 (15%) 
 77 (24%) 
 Strongly Agree
 142 (45%) 

Total: 319

19. What happens in your classroom if you misuse your netbook?

 You get it taken away
 It gets taken away.
 Nothing I usually don't use my net book because I have my customized desktop at home.
 If you misuse your netbook in class the teacher takes and and does not give it back to you for a week.
 We can't do our work.
 It is taken away.
 You usually get your netbook taken away, then the teacher will give it back to you.
 You might get in trouble and the teacher might take your netbook away from you.
 You get it taken away. (I don't know, I've never misused mine.)
 Then i get in to troble because u arnt supposed to do what u were asking to do.
 We would probably get it taken away, for that class period.
 IF I misuse the netbook it will be taken away for a certain period of time
 We might get our netbook taken away and not be able to do our assignments.
 it would be taken away or get in trouble.
 If we leave them in Ms. Hilt's room we used to have to do ten push-ups before we could have them back. I don't really know though because I don't mistreat my netbook.
 it depends if mrs tanner catches us she just says stop and nothing happens mr midden would rip out the battery and take it for a couple weeks mrs glenn takes it away for a little wile and it doesnt happen often in mrs hilts class
 you get it taken away until the next week.
 Normally, you will have a consequence of getting the netbook taken away for that class period.
 They will take it away from you and will give it back at the end of the day or will make you use an older computer for the week.
 One of to things happens,either you get it taken away for the day or you just don't get it back for a while.
 It would probably get taken away.
 I don't know never lost it.
 you get it taken away
 i go to detion
 it gets taken away
 it gets taken away from me
 You get it taken away if you do something bad, but if you do something really bad you get it taken away for longer.
 we get in trouble like detention and no use
 We loose the privilege to use them.
 I get it taken away.
 get it taking away.
 We get a check mark or we cant use our netbook for the day.
 we will get in trouble.
 I don't get netbook.
 The teacher takes it away from you.
 You get it taken away and don't get to use one anymore.
 We could get it taken away.
 The teacher takes it away for the day or longer.
 First, we get a warning, then we get our previladge taken away.
 You get will get a privlidge taken away, like lose recess or get your netbook taken for the rest of the class or if you do something really not expected you can get it taken for the whole year.
 I don't get to use it for sometime/get a check mark
 I'll get in trouble with my teacher.
 You will get it too-ken away from me.
 I get in trouble
 I get into trouble
 I get in trouble and i am not able to use the net books as much.
 We sometimes have to put it up.
 Mostly we get in Trumbull or detention
 You get it token away.
 you will get in trouble and your netbook might get takeing away for a long time.
  You would be in trouble after the teacher trusted them.
 You get in a lot of trouble.
 If you misuse our netbook we would get in big trouble .
 If you misuse your netbook you will either miss extra Fri. recess or get it tooken away.
 U get a detention.
 Get detention.
 You get it taken away and you have to do something else.
 I would get it taken away and I will have to use paper to write things down.
  you usually get your name on the board and then you miss the extra resses
 the teacher would proble ask us how did it.
 I think you can not use it any more.
 If we misuse the net books we would most likely get it taken away for a certain amount of time.
 If we misuse the net books we would most likely get it taken away for the day.
 You will get in trouble and your netbook might get taken away from you.
 I get in trouble because it is my responsability.
 We will get in trole
 If you misuse our netbook we would get in huge trouble.
 you get in trouble and get the netbook tooken away.
 I shut it down and put it away.
 I never done that. Maybe we might get a detention.
 I don't use it much.
 I've never done it. But I probably would get a detention. I repeat I've never done it!
 We get in trouble
 Maybe Principal say do not use netbook on my class.
 i redo it.
 I will turn off the netbook and tell the teacher.
 My teacher won't let me go to that place where you misuse the netbook.
 We are not allowed to use it for that class period, or maybe longer.
 we don't misuse are netbooks
 I will get in big trouble and will get a detetion and will never get to use the netbook agin.
 If it is minor, you usually get it back when it is fixed, but if it is major, you probably won't get it back or you can't get back onto it for awhile.
 The teacher would take it away.
 I have it taken away
 i would do it over
 I don't really know?
 I don't know.
 Then we get a warning and if we do it again we get it taken away.
 I don't know because nobody misused netbook yet.
 You do not get to use it.
 We get a warning, but if we misuse it again we can not use our netbook for a while.
 you get yelled at
 We get a warning, then if we continue we loose our netbook.
  The teacher would take it and i will not have the privilege
 The net book is taken away.
 If i misuse my netbook i would get a detention or get in very bad trouble.
 My homeroom teacher gets mad if we don't stand up to get our netbooks out of our bags on our chairs. None of the other teachers are as obsessed with making sure we hold the netbooks with two hands.
 i don't know
 you are given a detention.
 well if you were to say drop your net book you loose privileges of it for a very long time or for the rest of the school year.
 The student loses there time with the netbook.
 If you misuse your netbook, you don't get to use it any longer.
 They will have to use paper and pencil.
 It gets taken away for a week or the rest of the year.
 IF I misuse my netbook, I will most likely get it taken away.
 You are given a warning. If you continue to misuse your netbook it will be taken away. This is what they told us will happen but so far no one has misuse there computer. So we haven't seen this be done yet and hope we will never see it.
 I get a lecture and get it taken away
 it is taken away from me
 you wont be able to use it again
 it would get taken away
 I have to get it taken away.
 I don't know I have never misused it yet.
 we will probably get the netbook taken away. we could probably have been told to do the right things.
 am kind of behind in class and netbook get taking away.
 We loose the right to use the net book outside of classes
 Mr. Midden will take car of it, like to fix it, and you may get in a little trouble. I mean if it's an accident then no he will just tell you to be careful.
 The will take from you a you will not use it for the hole year.
 gets taken away
 Trouble,sometimes you get like two warnings and then it gets taken away.
 If you misuse the net books then you'll get them taken for a little while and you'll miss a recess.
 depending on what you did with the netbook, you get a detention and loose privileges or just loose your privileges of using the netbook.
 It gets taken and we get in trouble.
 We get it taken away, but if it an accident than he will just help us fix it.
 I don't have a netbook anymore because the teachers take it away from me, or we might get into trouble.
 i would get in trouble, and u either get a warning but most of the time it gets taken away from you and you don't get it back till the next day.
 Usually, it would be confiscated. Otherwise, we would lose the rights to use it outside of classes.
 It gets taken away and you have to miss a resses
 Do blog .
 My teacher takes it away.
 I don't know
 we lose the privilege to use it
 I don't know
 You lose your privileges in class to yous them.
 I would get in trouble.
 You would get a detention.
 you get in really in trouble
 I would get in trouble, or have it taken away from me.
 I don't know. It never happened to me.
 If you were to misuse your netbook in a classroom punishments vary by class, but usually you will receive a warning (depending on misuse) or go straight to a detention. Netbooks are very important, and we have rules and have to take care of them.
 We get yelled at, and then have to put it up.
 We get warned then get a detention or yelled at.
 We usually get yelled at and maybe get it taken away from us.
 You most likely won't get to use the netbook anymore
  We are not able to use it for the day or we can get an detention.
 you get one warning and if you do it again you get sepended or exspeled from the netbooks depinding on what you did.
 It get's taken away by your teacher witch should not happen because what if you need your net book for school work and you can not use it. And kids should be able to because if they don't have a computer at home you should be able to enjoy that privalege.
 You don't get to use it any longer.
 You get a warning, if you misuse your netbook again, then you have to use a paper and a pencil.
 I get in trouble
 If we misuse are computer in class we get it taken away. Also we have to be careful when we are getting our netbooks out of our cubbies and pouches. We also have to use both hands. If we do good with our netbooks then we're aloud to use them. But if we misbehave like I said we get it taken away
 It'll get taken away and you won't get to use it. You'll have to use the old miserable computers. :P
 usually you have to stay in for recess but some times it is a detention
 If we don't use our netbooks correctly in class we lose privileges of use for the rest of the time in that class.
 I'm not sure because no one in my class has ever really misused their netbook
 You get the privilege of using your netbook taken away from you, and you might get a detention. If you break or damage the netbook you will have to pay for it.
 You could get into a lot of trouble.
 i will get introuble
 You have to use the other computers in the classroom instead of the netbooks.
 you cant use it any more.
  Most of the time you could get in to trouble.
 you would get into a lot of trouble and not be able to use your netbook anymore.
 You get into trouble.
 We get in trouble and have to pay $1,000 if we break the netbook.
  Misuse might result in a detention or a wrning
 We had some warnings about our teacher. Or they could take it away.
 You could get in trouble.
 we get a few warnings maybe 2 or 3 then we get it taken away and/or loose privileges on our netbooks.
 it gets tating away
 I don't do that.
 We get in trouble, get a detention and most likely will be band from using.
 I don't misuse my netbook.
 The teacher will find out and you will probably not have as much freedom on it.
 You get it taken away for the whole year.
 Depending on what a person does, the consequences are usually getting the netbook taken away for the class period.
 I do not do that so do not know. But most likely detention.
 It would most likely be taken away and I would not be allowed to use it.
 I don't misuse the netbooks!
 I don't misuse it, but if I did I would get it taken away, and I couldn't use it for my work anymore.
 You either get it taken away or if it is a minor problem you just get a warning. That hasn't happened to me though so it is not a real problem for me.
 Even though I rarely did that, I would never do that again and quickly navigate away from what I was doing.
 We get in trouble and are asked to not do that EVER again. Also depending on what we did they might take it away for the rest of the class period.
 Well, if it got broke I would probably have to pay for it. If it started to mess up because of my misusing it, they may give me a detention or after-school detention.
 we ask fore help
 the teacher helps me.
 I don't do that
 If we misuse the net-book we get one chance after that it gets taken away.
 I don't know because I have never misused a net book. But most likely detention.
 I don't really know since I have never misused it
 you don't get to use for the rest of the school year!:(
 We are most likely given a detention.
 You get screamed at most likely.
 The teacher tells us to put it away and not use it for the rest of the day, or the teacher might give you a detention.
 we get the netbook taken away
 The teachers want us to have full responsibility for our netbook, so if we misuse them, there are usually consequences.
 I have never misused my netbook. If i did misuse my net book i would not be able to use it.
 The teacher will yell at you or you might get a detention.
 You don't get to use them anymore.
 If we misuse our netbook we will most likely get the privilege of using it taken away for the rest of the year.
 If we misuse our netbooks, we loose the privlidges of using them.
 If we misuse the netbook we would more than likely have our computer privileges taken away.
 If we misuse our netbooks, we usually get them taken away from us, although the time taken away depends upon how we misuse it.
 You get in HUGE trouble.
 I would get my netbook taken away. Sometimes I would only get a stern warning or a quick yelling session, buet I don't get in trouble with my netbook so I really honestly don't know.
 Usually, if you misuse the netbook in a classroom you will get a warning. If you constantly misuse the netbook inappropriately, you will lose your netbook privileges.
 You get your computer privileges taken away.
 you loose your computer preventable.
 you will get into trouble and wont be able to use it the rest of the period and if you misuse it again then you wont get to use it for a period of time.
 Never happened, but strong disciplinary penalties may be the result.
 You would loose the privilege and would have to use the old computers
 I lose the right to use my netbook.
 I get yelled at.
 I don't even know. You get a detention maybe? Been a long time since I heard anything 'bout it.
 Extreme consequences like detention maybe even suspension and could probably get hollered at by whom ever is teaching.
 in one class they make us shut the computer down and we can not use it for the rest of the day. In the other class we don't use the computer often enough.
 Get in a lot of trouble.
  we get in trouble
 Yelled at
 I haven't ever done this but once I saw it happen that student got screamed at and told next time that he/she would no longer be able to use the netbook.
 you don't get to use them...or you are banned from them for the rest of the year.
 you get not to use them.
 It might get taken away. I don't know because everyone is responsible and caring with the netbooks and no one misuses it.
  You get it taken away
 i get it taken away and i go to the principles office
 I get in trouble and am not aloud to use it anymore.
 You get it taken away and if you break it you have to buy a new one
 You will lose the privilege of using your netbook for the day
 If we misuse our netbooks ,depending on what we did, we have them taken away for the rest of the year..
 i would get a dettintion
 You don't get to use the net book again.
 We get in trouble, like a detention or get yelled at.
 You may get a warning, or if it's the second time you get it taken away.
 You get alittle talk on how you would use it and if that happends a gain then you will not be able to use it agian.
 Sometime if the netbooks are miscared for, then there are not so fun consequences that happen.
 i don't mis use my net book so i am not sure probably lose the privilege .
 We get it taken away and we can't use it depending on what you did or how you misused it.
 If you misuse your netbook, then you will get yelled at by the teacher or receive a detention.
 i honestly don't know i have n ot been here long enough see what happens if someone miss treats their notebook
 If I misuse my netbook in my classroom I will most likely get a detention for it, or if I did something seriously bad with the netbook I would probably get it taken away for a long time, or even permanently.
 you get it taken away and never get to use one again.
 I will lose the privilege to use the net books.
 You Get it taken away.
 you could get it taken away for the rest of the month or never get it back.
 i dont realy know i never misuse it .
 My teacher takes it away for a day or two.
 My teacher takes it.
 your net book will be taken away.
 Its taken away for a period of time.
 My teacher would have to take it away for that particular subject
 I do not misuse it I use it for class work.
 It gets taken away from you.
 This has never happend, but if we did ,then we would get our netbooks takin away. That has happend A couple of times, and People were upset cause there so many Fun Educational games on the net book, that the kids and I love playing. We Just love the Net Book.
 If I misuse my net book they taken away for one day or more than one week:
 Then the teacher would take it away from you and you won't get it back until you do 30 push ups and stay a nice day inside from recesses.
 They make us put our net books away when ever we go to recess some other students rather stay on their net books.
 u get a Dentition probably and u will get your netbook tooking a way till may. And u will get in big trouble.
 if one of use use our netbook the wrong way we would have 2 put it up for the day or if we use it badly we cant use it for the reast of the week.
 They make you put your Netbook away or you have to stay in for recess. If you leave it in another classroom you have to do pushups and you won't get it back for like a day or something.
 You get the netbook taken away.
 You lose the privilige of having a netbook and if you leave it somewhere you have to stay in during recess and do 40 push ups.
 You will get in a lot of trouble, and you will lose your privilege of using it.
 your teacher will take it away from you and you probly will not get it back until next week.l and if it happens again you do not get it back forever/until the school year ends
 You normally loose your netbook if the teacher catches you doing something inappropriate and sometimes she makes you stay in from recess.
 you either get your netbook taken away, or you get a detention.
 in my class if we misuse our net books they usually get taken away for a day depending on how bad it is and if it is really bad it is taken away for a week usually.
 you don,t get to use them or you get a detention
 We will get in big trouble, probably have to pay for the damage and probably not get to use them.
 I do not no
 who ever misuse it gets in trouble
 I would tell my teacher ,if I could open it again
 I get in trouble.
 We lose our netbook privileges.
 we get a check mark
 You get a checkmark.
 I don't know
 We get taken away.
 You lose your netbook for the rest of the year.
 I get it confiscated
 It is taken away from your use for the rest of the school year.
 I think you just lose your privledges to the netbooks.
 The teacher would take it away for the day.
 We get our netbook privileges taken away.
 We lose the privelige
  You get it taken away.
 You loose the privilege of using them.
 we get a check mark or lose prevalage
 taken away
 we get it taken away from us.
 We lose our privileges.
 It gets taken away
 I lose privilege.
 The teachers take it away.
 We either get a check mark or the netbook gets taken away.
 you get denchun and if you do it agian it gets taken away
 Either the teacher would take it away for a few days or you will get a check mark.
 The teachers take it away for some time because it is a priviledge to have netbooks.
 We will get in trouble.
 you lose it for about a week or 2.or lose it forever.
 You would get it taken away From you for awhile.
 You get it taken away for the day or something like that .
 you don't get to use it for a period of time.
 I will lost netbook and teachers will take it.
 We can't use until further notice.
 you get it taken away.
 I have it token away.
 The teacher will take it and we won't be able to use it for the day.
 If we misuse our netbooks we will get a detention if it is really bad, and sometimes we will get our netbooks away for a period of time or never get them back.

Total: 319

20. What are three things you like about using the netbook in your classroom?

 Listening to music in free time educational game reasearch
 blog, games, and videos
 It makes my writing easier
 Three things i like are: Writing papers Playing games Taking Spelling test
 It's easy. It's fun. It's faster.
 fast, easy, fun
 The netbooks make school more fun. You also learn more on how to use computers. The netbooks also help to revise your work.
 I get to play games and it helps me a lot when i really need it.
 1. I can write papers a LOT faster, because I am really fast at typing. 2. I like using computers, they make classes funner than they would usually be. 3. I like being able to have a computer right next to me, that I don't have to wait for. If I need to research something before I forget, I don't have to wait. I can just log on and go.
 I like watching brain-pop videos
 First, is being able to have your own computer to research information, and second, is probably because its faster than having to do it on paper. And lastly, because, they are just more fun than a big old computer.
 I like that i can do homework on it , have fun , and interact with teachers on ti
 1- It helps me get things done faster. 2- It's easy. 3- I have fun using my netbook.
 Typeing and working on it and having one.
 I don't have to wait inline to use one of the two or three computers there are in the room.
 it makes it easier to do trojan report and other projects and makes mr midden's class possible
 1. it gives you something to do when you are done with your work. get a lot of freedom. is there if you need to do research.
 1. You can focus more on your assignments. 2. You may be able tom understand an assignment better 3. You can use your netbook to find information instead of going to the library.
 they go very fast they are very small and handy some grades are only to use them
 1. research is a lot easier 2.looking for notes and working on a paper at the same time is a lot easier 3.I like being able to look at things that my teacher is talking about visually
 I can take AR quizzes I can get papers done faster. I can get research done for projects.
 games,website,challenging other classmates
 games writing learning
 spelling reading and math
 you can play games ,take tests,and type papers
 games ,taking spelling test, and writing my writing assinments
 I like being able to type on my netbook instead of having to hand write it, and we can take spelling tests on it, and it makes it easier to research people for class assignments.
 we get to play games we use the internet we also get to use programs like open office
 We get to play games, we have fun use them for projects, and they are really useful for school.
 I can play games, do research, and do assignments.
 .playing games .typing .looking around on the net book.
 You get to play games. You get to use the internet. ITS FUN!!!
 you can play games,and do homework.
 1.It is more fun and it is not hard . 2.It is more interesting
 It's easier and faster to get my work done. I like playing the games. It's easier to research stuff than getting a dictionary.
 Getting to play games and other stuff like that when we are finished with our work.
 Games,typing,and helping with other people when the teachers say i can.
 We can do games, We can watch videos, and Easier to research people.
 When we have a writing assignment, it is easier to type than to write it. That helps me get the work done faster.
 It helps me finish my work faster,when we have assignments that we have type more often in, and the fun games that we can play.
 I get to play games I get to go to brain pop I can do projects with it
 You can explore around the it.
 I like use it with are third grade buddies.
 There fun They help with homework helps get info
 we get to go on the internet they help me to find info they're fun
 1you can type in the search box and find what you need. 2Lots of information 3Fast and easy
 It is quite,I understand the work better,I sometimes get more work done.
 You can play school games watch videos you get lots of work done
 You can find facts faster.
 work music learning games.
  We can go on home page,visit learning games,and, we can work on homework.
 It is easier to do presentations you get lots of work done you get to play school games
 We can play games ,listen to music ,and do our work quitely .
 looking up info making documents playing games
 Typing,educational games,printing
 Power points, research, and typing.
 1.You don't have to use the teachers computer. 2.It is easier to type on the netbook than other computers. 3. It is faster than other computers.
 1. I can easily search it on the internet instead of getting a book. 2. There are games on the netbook. 3. I like the netbook because they are small in size.
  It alows me to have fun in school. It lets us work on computers in class . It lets me learn how to use the pad on the computers
 maybe or can we use. they would realy help us. it would make it easr to work.
 when I have my writing assignments it make me finish much faster and cleaner. your hand does not get tried when you write. you could find facts much easier.
 I like being able to look up words not using the dictionary,I like doing assignments on the net books,and looking up certain things for certain projects.
 I like being able to search the internet on my own net book. I like being able to do my assignments by typing and not writing. I like being able to look up words without looking in the dictionary.
 We get to play games that help us with a subject,we get to type stuff on them,and it's fun to play on them.
 We get to do projects on them. We play games on them. They are fun.
 They help me they are cool they are fast
 we can play games,listen to music,do our work quietly
 Three thins i like about my netbook are i like to make presentations,play educatoinal games,and right/tipe.
 Playing games. typing .logging in.
 I get to find information whenever I need to. It's easy to type a paper. I get to explore more.
 educational sites, none, none
 Using open office presentation Looking up facts I get to do explore way more.
 i get to play games and research in of looking in books
 1. My old school don't have netbook. 2. If you write in computer, it is more interesting than writing in plain paper. 3. none.
 i can type faster than i can write. I like to use the mouse and head phones. its funner than using paper.
 It is fast, it has open office on it, and you can research on the internet.
 1.You can search in the internet. 2.The netbook makes it more faster to type than to write it on a piece of paper. 3.The presentation is more neat than writing it.
 1) It makes work faster, since I am fast at typing. 2)It helps me be able to understand the internet more, and it helps me to practice analyzing the information, though I still have some trouble. 3)I am able to practice controlling Open Office more.
 brain pop and poptropica
 We can play games with it.(educational games) We an use it for some work. We do lots of presetaion on it to.
 1. I like the games 2. It's very fun 3. It's cool to use a mini-computer in school
 * I can do projects with other things other than computer. (There's only a few computers) * It is faster than the computers. * You can carry it to any table.
 You could get good information.
 It helps me learn about history. It helps me finish my work quickly. It helps me get good grades.
 play games it helps when you use it if your doing your homework it helps.
 To me it is faster! And u get to type! It is fun!
 I don't have to write hand written papers because I'm sloppy, there's internet on it and its easier to look stuff up.
 I can play games on it during free time. I can get done faster looking things up on it. Its faster typing a rough draft then writing it.
 Instead of handwriting things we get to type them. We can read read the news. We get to watch BrainPop.
 Documents organized better than handwritten note. I can get more information from Internet. Useful programs are in the netbooks. so I can use proper program that I need.
 Faster to get assignments done, information on internet, doesn't wear my hands out as much as writing
 It doesn't take as long to write papers. We don't have to fight over computer time. We can all be on the computer at the same time, and we can do class activities on the netbook.
 I like typing papers in writing class It is faster to type thing and more neat I like looking at news on the internet
 1. It makes work easier. 2. It makes work fun 3. It's more organized than just a binder and paper
 Individual computers. Easier to work, corrects your spelling
 I like going on the Internet fast to get info, also writing papers quickly and easily, and staying organize without loosing my papers.
 One thing is that i like that its easy to use. You can look things up on the Internet and there also fun.
 We get to use technology more but I would prefer macs, not netbooks.
 I like being able to do papers on it. I like being able to make things on it I like to play games on it
 I like it because i am a faster typer than i am a wrighter. I like that i can get a lot if information from the web in class. I like that we get to keep it on our desk insted of staring at the board.
 I can get my homework done quicker. I can better understand writing. I can look at the news some times to which gives me time to relax
 I like to just type our writing assignments instead of handwriting. Research and other things we use doing class.
 They make individual work easier. We can type papers whenever we need to. They also help with some of the group projects.
 this netbook , is really portible, you can take it any where, and it is handy.
 I can research things, write essays, and play games.
 I like to have the option to write papers and blog on my netbook. I also like how we can listen to music and play games for free time. And just the fact that we have more then just pencil and paper as an option.
 I like that we don't have to wait for someone to get done using the computers in the room to look up something or have to go to the computer lap. I also like that when we need to use it we can get it out use it and don't get in trouble for not waiting til our turn.
 It is easier to blog, helps me work out problems, and helps me learn new stuff
 it is easier, its more fun, and its faster
 research faster essayer
 you can type on it and not write on it you can search up info you can play games on it
 I like blogging more now, I can work on my school project, and I can work out problems easier.
 You can have fun using it when it is free time and when in class.
 we can use them for writing, research,or science.
 its quicker, more info and understand whats happening.
 1.) Easier to write papers 2.) spelling tests do not have to be read aloud 3.) Blogging
 We can make a blog entry when ever we want because we don't all have to share like 3 computers in the back of the room like we used to have to. And it is really fun to play around on them at times to, and set your background picture to like a famous person. But most importantly it's really easy to do our writing stuff on them, but we can't take them home to finish our writing so that would be even more cool if we could take them home!
 You can look at the enternet.
 I like that we can play games and it makes it easy to do papers, and use the internet.
 you can get on the internet you can research things faster you can get backgrounds
 1.Cool Features 2.Blogging 3.It is more fun.
 You can play games you can surf the net Also it's fun to be able to take test online
 its more fun than just writing things down on a piece of paper and it helps you learn better because the fun things are what sticks in your head.
 Things get done faster, it makes things fun, we get free time.
 1. We get to take our spelling tests online it is a lot more fun that way. 2. We get to blog it is a lot easier to blog on my netbook than at home. 3.When we write our essays we can just type them on our netbooks and not worry about having to keep track of them and i type a lot faster than I do writing.
 1. I can do work without it having to be boring. 2.during study hall if we have finished our homework you can have free time on it. 3. It gets assignments done faster.
 1. it can help you on your school work if you need it to 2. i can blog 3. it makes things more fun
 1.) It is easier to edit papers electronically. 2.) Spelling tests do not take as long as they normally would. 3.) Printed papers look neater than their hand-written evil twins.
 Its fun You can such the internet I don't have a 3rd reason
 That when we do a project,when we take AR quiz, and listen to music.
 It is less confusing.
 I don't know
 it is fun , it makes stuff easier , and you can do activities when teachers give permission
 educational games, typing, & projects
 You get to play games if your finished. You do fun projects. You have fun.
 Play educational games and thing I know.
 1. You get done faster with your work. 2. You have more time to look at the news, to see what is happening in our world. 3. You learn more.
 tipping,i can do my wok faster
 O don't like writing essays by hand, and it's much quicker, and easier on the netbook, and i think that my writing has gotten much better with the netbook.
 School is funner and I love the the projects we do.
 The three things i like about using the netbooks are that we can write our essays on them instead of having to spread out in different classrooms or writing by hand, that we have netbooks in the first place, so we don't have to go to the library or do something else like going to another classroom, and that we have some freedom with technology and we can use them to print and work quickly, unlike the slow classroom computers.
 I honestly don't like the netbooks.
 I can go online an do my homework.
 We sometimes get to play educational games and it makes getting information a lot easier. Also, sometimes Mr.Wright lets us get on our e-mail.
 im the only one that can use it, don't have to wait for someone to get off it, i can work at my desk.
 We don't have to handwrite long essays, which is tiring. We don't have to look up information on books anymore either. Also, it is fun to use netbooks.
 I like that instead of writing with pencil you can type. I like it because in writing class we can look at the daily news. I like it because it makes everything much more smoother.
 It is quicker, it has spell-check and, You could make a roport into somthing fun like a slide show
 1. Being able to do my projects better 2. being able to sometimes listen to music 3. just being able to be on a computer at all.
 I get my homework done faster, I can print, I can edit papers.
 It helps me do things faster. It is fun to use the netbooks. I can find information easily.
 play games listen to Mosaic do homework
 You get your homework done quicker. It faster typing then writing by hand. And there not a waste of time.
 1. It saves paper. 2. Writing an essay is faster. 3. It's more convenient to use Google to find something instead of flicking and skimming books that aren't even related to the subject.
 i like that there are a large selection of games, speed of internet and nothing else
 I like it when we write papers and i can use my netbook and my ands don't hurt if i type too much, i'm better with technology and thats all.
 1. When we didn't have them we had to share the other computers. 2. They're small and easy to carry from desk to desk
 It is a lot smaller than a regular computer, so it fits on your desk easier. They are light, so you do not have to struggle to take it to your desk. They are small enough that they fit in a pouch on the back of your chair.
 It's fun,helps me,and makes me feel extra smart.
 spelling city poptropica and educational games
 1. I do not have to wait in a line to use the computers. 2. It is easy to follow the teacher's instructions because I can do it at the same time. 3. I can use the internet during school.
 You can play games and do slide-shows.
  1. I enjoy the games that they have. 2. I like that the teachers trust us to go on them . 3. I like creating presentations.
 You can research anything you want and not have to go through some trouble to check out a book on it. If you are writing a paper if you misspell something the netbook will tell you how you spell it. They are very fun to play on.
 1. I like going on the internet to do things. 2.I like playing games on my netbook. 3. I like doing projects on my netbook.
 1 THEY MAKE ASSIGNMENTS FUN TO DO 2 THEY are fun to use 3 I like making slide shows on them
 When we finish the work done we get to play games.
  The computers help with writing and editing. They are very useful for researching. I also like the fact that they can be used personaly.
 You could see some videos,play on some games, and search things.
 It is really fun to go on and do work,you get to play games but they are educational games,and you can carry them around.
 1.I like it because we can find a lot of information 2.I like it because i get work done faster 3.I have a lot of fun
 sometimes we get to play poptrapt
 Everyone can use them at once. Easy to use. Faster Internet and quick to log into.
 It makes me have more fun, and enjoy the class. It is easier to produce writing assignments. And it keeps me more involved.
 I can type faster than I can write, so my notes are taken faster that way. It's more fun, and interesting. Instead of having to wait for a laptop cart with old laptops that are slow, and heavy, we can just get out the netbooks that we already know, and use alot.
 It is not as easy to loose homework. It allows me to get homework done without waiting for a computer. It also allows me to research better.
 I can type way faster than with handwriting. Also instead if fighting over the two computers in the classroom we have are own.
 I like looking up information and typing.
 It is easier to type, rather than have to handwrite everything. It is better than having to wait for someone to get off one of the few computers in the classroom. It is good if we do not understand something because we can look it up online to better understand the homework.
 Typing essays is one. Searching for information on the Internet. And doing projects on-line.
 They make it easier to type a paper and no one is fighting over the computers and we can do what we want.
 It is fun. You can use the internet, and gather information. I like being able to use the different applications.
 One there is a computer for everyone and we are not waiting to use two or three in the classroom. They are smaller than regular laptops. They are easier to do work on.
 You can make your writing more organized and your hands don't get as tired if you are handwriting a big essay. It makes it easier to find more information than other ways. It is easier to follow directions on a website than hearing all of the information from a teacher.
 1. I'd prefer typing stories in netbooks than handwriting for Writing. It also helps me on typing faster and more proper. 2. With Internet connection on our netbooks, I could easily read the news on free times at Mr. Wright's class. 3. I could do fun projects such as picture editing or researching Internet sources.
 Whenever I am writing I am faster on the netbook than handwriting it because I type faster. I do not always have to wait for another person to finish using one of the regular computers to research something or take an AR quiz.
 It makes it a lot easier to make papers. I can also produce better papers on the netbook. I like that if i spell something wrong it fixes it for me or helps me fix it.
 I do not no that
 you can use it in all classes.
 First, I can do writing assignments with netbook. It is very HELPFUL. Second, I have my own netbook, I don't have to wait a lot. Last, teachers organize informations about their class such as social studies teacher.
 one of the things that i like about them is they are easy to uses. second thing i like about them is they help in reacher. third they are fun to use.
 1.I like it because I can look up information on the internet. 2.That I can type essays on it. 3. Because the INTERNET is fast.
 I think that the three things I like about it is that it's faster than the regular computers and it's easier to get work done and it's also more convenient.
 write faster, get on the internet anytime you want to, play game if we are able to.
 1.) It's easier. 2.) I get things done faster. 3.) It gets me practice on typing.
 It is easier to write essays with it. You can look back at internet pages if your writing something from the internet too.
 I like listening to music and look at important information and work on short stories.
 it is easier, its faster, and cooler
 We can type our essays on them. When we need a computer, everybody is able to have one to use, so we never usually have to wait to be able to use our netbooks. I also like how when we have the ability to research things on the computer while doing a project.
 I like to type papers.
 It's really efficient, everyone has one of their own, and you gwet more class time to work on your assignments.
 its easy to do research, write papers,and look up news.
 They are convenient when you need to type something up really fast. They are really fast when they load things. They are not heavy.
 1)I can get my work done faster 2)I dont have to wait to get on a computer since there are only three in the class 3)It is more convenient
 It's easier to write and edit papers. There's a lesser chance of losing your work. I get done with work quicker.
 Well, they are convenient, but other than that, there is nothing positive about them to me.
 1. It is easier than being sent to many other rooms to use a computer. 2. It uses open office, which the computer at home uses. 3. It is easy to use.
 It's easier to type on. I can use it as a mirror before i turn it on and i can see behind me. The netbooks are faster and have all around better quality than the other computers do.
 1. Using a netbook lets us access information for assignments. 2. Using a netbook lets us learn in a different way. 3.Using a netbook lets us learn more about how to use computers.
 I like being able to get online and research things, i also like being able to type my essays and get writing assignments done sooner, and i also like being able to just pull the computer out instead of having to go through the process of using the big class computers.
 I like that i get my work done faster. I like that they are accessible. I like that we are given responsibility.
 i dont have to hand write my assignments and strain my hands, i can explore other topics faster, and i dont have to wait for someone to get off t a comouter to use it.
 Easy accessibility, size, speed.
 1.I type faster than I write, plus my handwriting is not very easy to read. 2. I can listen to music without an MP3 Player.
 Typing Papers, looking up pictures, and being able to look at the news
 I like being able to use the internet for research without having to wait for others to finish. i like the fact that I can now type my papers without having to wait in a line. I also like that I can now print easier at school now.
 It really doesn't matter. 1: Music 2: Papers 3: Blogs
 You can also surf the web erratically about bizarre things.
 1.I get to look at pictures 2.i am occasionally allowed to play games. 3.It helps me organize my work.
 they are really fast and they are really light.
 Looking at the news, dont have to share computers and always can use it.
 i like to get them out and use them and look up thing
 Working enternet education
 1. Working on papers in class. 2. Researching on the Internet. 3. Readin books and following along in class.
 you get to type you can look info. up you interact more with others
 Look at news, pictures, and educational games
 The work gets done quicker. The work is done better. The work is easier to do.
 I get more time it is fun and easy
 its easyer than gettting on a normal computer. it is a fast computer. it is a fun expirence.
 I like being able to type an essay without waiting for a computer, being able to look up information for essays, and being able to get away from class and focus on my assignment.
 1. we get a personal computer 2. the systems on this is very well organized 3. it makes school easyer
 You get your own computer, you get to do your own thing on your free time, and it helps when I'm bored.
 1) They make it easier to research topics. 2) Makes some work easier. 3) Keeps me a little more interested.
 i can get my work done quickly
 games, i have my own, and able to do different things
 It is something different, It helps with getting assignments done, and you can play games on the computer when you are done working.
 Firefox, Applications, and games.
 I dont usually use the note book but one thing that i like about the notebook is that you can type and not write with your pencils.
  I like to look at pictures. I like to read the news. I like to research things.
 i was able to finish my assignments in a more timely manner than before
 I don't have to hand write anymore, it seems so much easier, it has exciting features with it.
 You can work on assignments in class, you can see world-wide pictures and sites, and you can play the games provided if you are bored(sometimes).
 i get my work done faster and it is neater and easy to research stuff
 I like having my own personal computer, I like not having to wait for a computer to open up before I can work on something, and I like to be able to do the research on the computer.
 getting to type, looking up things, and seeing pictures.
 That I don't have to use the big computers. It is easier to use. I has features.
 it get done faster it helps me relax it is helpfull with my spelling
 writing spelling social studies
 playing the games get home done faster we could use the internet
 You get the work then faster. Your hand written is not bad. You get info faster.
 I don't lose my assignments. I have no other reasons.
 I can play games, I can take my tests, I can write in my blog.
 1.the net books help with handwriting 2.the net books allow easy access to the internet 3.the netbooks are easy to ues.
 1. writing essays 2. educational games at study hall 3. doing homework online at Study Island
 Well, it sometimes helps you see what we are working on better We also get to save documents, just in case we lose papers. It will be easy to follow along with the class if we can be on the same site that we are learning.
 Researching things I need. It is easier to do homework on the netbook. Easier in classes.
 We can play games. It's easier to write essays. We can research a lot faster on them.
 Well, one is that, there aree fun Educational games that We Student's can play! And two is you want to you can typre your essays On them if you want. And 3 You can Blog!! Blog is homework everyweeek! I try to blog ehvery week but it is hard sometimes when you have so much homework that you have to do! But it is very fun cause you can check out you're friends blogs and see what He\she is up to! and it is just great!
 If I use my net book that lesson be fun and easier.
 I don't know.
 i like to do my work on it i like to do tests and quizes on it too Also you can look things online too
 Sometimes to play games and to take quizzes a lot. but mostly i like to take quizzes.
 that we get to take spelling test on them. we get our own. we can type our papers and we dont have to use one computer. during study halll we can use them and some times we can play games on them.
 It is easier to understand things because you can look stuff up online and you don't always have to be hounding your teachers. My homework and documents are more organized so I won't lose them like I sometimes lose me homework. It gives us more freedom to do what we want.
 Play games, watch videos, and Blog
 They let you get edit papers without having to write them again. They let you explore a wider and broader range of activities and gives you a different experience of things.
 You can edit them without having to write them again,we can have our own, and we can take our Spelling Tests on them.
 playing educationail games and do fun things on it and have fun on it
 Its fun and educational. It have lots of neat functions and games on the internet and it gives you something to do if you have nothing to do. It lets you research information without having to go to the library.
 It is sometime faster. You can play educational games and you don't have to go anywhere to use it.
 - we get to do more hands on projects with the technology - i enjoy this because we don't have to hand write our essays - it is also nice for spelling when we can all be on spelling city and all of my classmates and i aren't fighting over the 2 regular computers
 its fun the games
 That we don't have hand write things, its much easier for work, and its super fun.
 It is fun
 we get to play games on the netbooks, its funner to do work on them, and they help me do my work
 The games and videos and the work
 One it is funner to do assignments.I like the games on it. It is a nice thing to have in your class room.
 Games, time consuming, and awesome.
 the games the internet and brainpop
 It gets work done faster.
 do homework and play application games
 We get to research. We get to go on websites. We get to type storys on are netbook.
 Games, brainpop and games!
 Poptropica educational games AR.
 1.It helps me with my typing on computers. 2. The educational games they already have on them; such as tuxpaint, tuxmath, and tuxtype.
 Brainpop, and I'm not sure about anything else.
 playing games research typing
 It helps me understand using a computer better. It convinced my mom in to getting a netbook for our home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love that the teachers alow you to play some games on the computer.
 The games,the connection with technology,and the Brainpop videos.
 It is so much easier to edit paper rather than rewrite them all over again
  Playing the games, poptropica, free time.
 I like the internet, games, and it's a new way to work.
 It is fun Writing is easier homework is easier
 spelling,playing games, information
 We can get more research done.
 * Typing instead of writing essays * Makes class more enjoyable * Makes class very interesting sometimes
 games,internet,and testing
 games, panels, internet
  You can do hings differently. Games Electronic use is FUN
 Tux Paint, Openoffice, and Mozilla Firefox.
 After we finish something we can play games appropriate.
 I like it because I don't like to handwrite..I can't think of anymore.
 They have application game, internet,and sometimes teacher let us to open other website.
 you can play cool games that are fun and exciting.and you can add stuff on your netbook like more panels and eye balls and all that cool stuff and change your color on the panels and change the type of everything. :]
 It gives me the freedom to research my work. It Gives me something to do when I am done. It makes me feel good that the teachers trust me with them.
 Games, easy research, and cool images.
 I like using them, I like the help from them, and it has internet.
 very useful, helpful, and cool.
 We can use application games,research stuff quicker then reading,and that we learn to be responsible.
 They are useful, convenient, and fun/cool.
 there easy to control, they help, there awsome
 It makes finding information easier. It is easier to type than hand write it. It also makes tests easier.
 All the technology inside of it, it makes class assignments more fun, and taking tests on it and, school studding games.

Total: 319

21. What are some things you dislike about using a netbook in your classroom?

 15 (5%) 
 The fact that you can't go onto some of your favorite websites since it might use bad words, Also people make so much noise its hard to think.
 I don't Know I don't know I don't know
 some people play music to his netbook, And it is so loud.
 I like to handwrite stuff most of the time.
 It can destract you.
 We can not listen to music and sometimes we cant really do anything.
 Sometimes during spelling, my finger slips on the key and I don't realize it, so I miss the word. If I hand-wrote my spelling tests, that wouldn't happen.
 There is nothing i don't like about netbooks.
 Well, some people look up like videos, and they are just kinda creepy.
 The Netbooks are to much to carry around if your binder is heavy
 I really don't dislike anything.
 the mouse freezes and shuts off + speakers break and speek
 The keys are really small so I am always finding myself typing on the wrong key or jumping up higher in the paragraph.
 i cant type well and i dont like taking spelling tests on them
 you can't check e-mail.
 1. Some students get distracted more easily. 2. Some students don't use what they have wisely. 3. Some students don't appreciate the netbooks and don't take good care of them.
 you can not go on YouTube when you type it will hit something different
 -they like to freeze up sometimes -you can't look up some things even its just a little kids' learning to read book
 It can get nosy and distracting.
 that it's so time comsuming
 sometimes slow connection not being able to get on
 the keys are too small
 I do not dis like any thing about my netbook
 Everyone is always on them
 it is small you can break it easily
 We can not play online games on them anymore and we can't get a background of our choice to.
 We can't use our emails. We can't play miniclip anymore.
 There is not a mouse.
 some people can't tipe fast or sometimes the computers don't work at all.
 Games tipping Brain pop
 We can't have our own backgrounds. We can't play not educational internet games. We can't do what we want to on them.
 Some days we just use it for work and not a lot of other things.
 When it messes up and the mouse is frozen.
 Weird problems, No more backgrounds, and Hard to look up pictures or music.
 When we save something we typed, or something like a presentation, sometimes it get deleted, or erased.
 when we save something it doesn't save ot something gets erased.
 I have to type things out I sometimes have to do Edu things
 Not going to games that we like.
 Not changing are backgrounds.
 some times it doesn't work
 sometimes it doesn't work
 sometimes when i find some information i need it says access denied
 People go on bad stuff and drag me to it.
 sometimes they take to long
 I don't have a dislike about the net books.
 we have to go a LOT of HOME work.
  Some people don't use it properly
 Mine sometimes freezes up
 I do not have any dislikes about my netbooks .
 printing, too much research, and too much typing!
 It gets noisy when we use them. People get out of their seats a lot. Some people go to the wrong web sites.
 Sometimes they stop working and it can get difficult. Sometimes the mouse becomes frozen and I can't use it. When I finish using the netbook it makes a very loud noise.
  It is hard to use the pad
 I really don't dislike my netbook.
 I dislike that the curser goes crazy when we type asignments. I dislike that some people go on inapropreate sights.
 I don't like that some of the boys go on to inappropriate sites. I don't like that the cursor gets out of conrol when we type assignments.
 It starts to get loud in the classroom.
 it is hard to get informition.
 they are small
 we don't use are netbooks a lot
 Somethings that i do not like about the netbooks are when i tipe sometimes they dont lissen when i tipe they do there own thing and they think big is spelled wrong.
 The background.
 Takes too long to type.
 None. I love them.
 the background
 1. Some program are denied. 2.none. 3.none.
 15 (5%) 
 It gives me a lot of problems.
 When you log in, it makes some sound. I don't like the sound.
 I am used to the mouse, and I have trouble controlling the netbook. Sometimes I have not touched anything, and the netbook instantly chooses something I didn't want, or it deletes some information I had wrote. I get very frustrated if the netbook doesn't cooperate.
 Usually you have to get on specific websites, on most things on Google, it says ACCESS DENIED.
 It could distract you.
 I sometimes think it is too much work.
 it mess up sometimes
 Don't have any!
 I don't have any dislikes.
 I have nothing to complain.
 We don't get to do as many group activities.
 They are kind of slow I hate the mouse pads, they are crappy and it takes me a long time to do that Computers hate me so its bad enough i have to use a computer all the time at home
 You have to manually connect them to the Windows network to access your documents there.
 small mouse pad, small keys. People doing nonsense on them
 Sometimes it loads slow, and also there are sometimes glitches.
 I do not dislike them.
 Every time I type something on my netbook it freaks out and deletes one of my paragraphs. Also, the mouse is crazy and the key board is too small. The shift button is very small and I don't like the netbooks. If we had macs we could do so much more without the freezing and the mouse messing up. I don't think we should buy all new macs but we should go to the computer lab for projects or use the ones in the classroom.
 they are small and easy to brake.
 Sometimes it freezes and i have to turn it off again.
 It can some times be a little bit touchy at times. But other than that it's awesome!! :)
 Really, I love the netbook in the classroom.
 Nothing really.
 the key board is a little to small.
 They take a really long time to load and they have a lot of glitches.
 That we have to leave them in one room.
 you can't go on youtube or email
 there slow freeze easy and the keyboard is to small when your typing suddenly it goes up in between a sentence and it starts beeping
 to delete something and it dose not delete
 That some things you can't watch a video that you need to watch for class or just want to watch a video.
 sometimes we don't have a lot of time to work on them and finish our work.
 the computer do everything for you which you can't do on all tests.
 When you cant go to some places.
 I dislike typing and i'm very slow.
 if your far behind the teacher doesn't help you
 Just like all other computers,the technically difficulties with the computer.
 you can't get to all of the sites that the teacher's computers can. That's a little awkward because we try to use them to be on the same things as our teachers but t doesn't always work.
 I do not dislike anything about using the netbooks.
 I don't have any cons about the netbook. It is wonderful!
 there isn't really anything that i don't like about the netbook ..... i like the netbook
 1.) Electronically challenged people may cause the class to fall behind, therefore wasting valuable time. 2.) Sometimes, a handwritten rough draft comes easier than a typed one. For example, one can easily let words flow out of their pencil and onto paper, but not as easily with a netbook. 3.) I can't think of anything for number three... too hungry to think.
 When we do research and typing.
 When it starts to slow down.
 I don't konw
 i mess up and find it hard sometimes
 a little bit confusing and hard to control keys
 There isn't really, other than it freezes sometimes, but thats not hard to fix.
 There is nothing I dislike about using a netbook.
 Some things i dislike about the netbooks in the classroom are that they are kind of small, so the keyboard is a bit cramped, and sometimes we will press the wrong buttons because of that and mess up. For example, while typing in this box, i have made several mistakes already because of the keyboard size. I also dislike that the mousepad is so sensitive, because when you miove your finger at all then the mouse goes WHAM! and moves really far.
 The keypad/ keyboard is too sensitive. It doesn't have an effect on my schoolwork. Once or twice, it has deletes all my work.
 It has a small screen so i can see everything at once.
 I don't really like how small the keyboards are. If you get left behind in class, then it's really hard to catch back up. Also, sometimes your computer malfunctions and messes everything up.
 I dont dislike anything about it
 I dislike how carefully we have to handle them. But, I guess it is better to be careful than sorry.
  You are not aloud to do what you want on the computer when you are done with you're work.
 The scroll bar on the mouse always moves me when I'm tipeing and so i have to fix it all the time.
 Nothing i dislike
 Sometimes it takes too much time for the computers to load completely, and also it takes too much time turning on and off. You have to be very careful when using it.
 I don't dislike the netbooks.
 Well, the sixth graders get to take them around and they have their own one. We don't, we have to share, unfair!!! The screen is a bit small.
 i don't like open office, it isn't compatable with microsoft office
 There is nothing i dislike about the netbooks
 The keyboard and mouse are way too small, so I have a lot of typing errors that I always have to go back and fix them.
 battery low internet
 I can not think of anything bad.
 we cant play fun games like at home.
  Sometimes the mouse dose not work.
 I don't know.
 I do not like doing boring things on my netbook.
 They are usely easy to break.
  I just don't like the Brand of computer. I am a Mac user. The size of the computer makes it hard to use the featres.
 I do not dislike about my netbook.
 Sometimes it freezes up and we have to shut it down and some things are blocked that have information or other things that you might need for a project.
 I do not dislike anything about the netbooks
 The screen isn't big, so most sights you have to scroll left and right. It takes a long time for it to boot up and shut down.
 The only thing is sometimes its not all oral, we have to figure it out, which is not a big issue at all.
 I don't dislike anything, but the mouse pad is a little small, and so is the keyboard.
 I don't really dislike anything.
 We have to log in and share it with other students that come in the room for the next period.
 I dislike using the netbook in the classroom because you are timed.
 I don't dislike anything about using the netbook.
 The touch pad is very sensitive.
 The keyboard is hard to get use to but I like everything else about it.
 You have to charge them. They glitch some times. I wish we had a mouse, takes a while to boot up and shut down.
 It's not really in the class room, but when I start typing stuff at school and save it on my flash drive it doesn't open up at home. I would like to take the netbooks home it would be easier.
 If a student would happen to damage a netbook it would be a big waste of money for the school.
 I don't really dislike things on my netbook, but I didn't really like how the keyboard was pretty small and I couldn't type fast.
 That there is always someone having problems with them and it is distracting and annoying.
 It is hard to keep up with the teachers if their demonstrating on a different computer that doesn't have the same programs but they still do the same thing differently.
 I do not no
 we can't take it home.
 I'd like to get Microsoft Office Word, actually Openoffice is not bad but I'd like to work on MS Word. It's more comfortable.
 I dislike nothing about them.
 I think the mouse pad is to sensitive.
 Not really anything, I guess my only complaint would be the size of the keyboard making it slower to type.
 i hate how the teachers are so strict about playing games after doing what they tell you to do.
 We really only use them in Writing class, and besides that an occasional time in Social Studies. They are really touchy and small, making it more difficult to use.
 You can't play games on other websites. You can't go to Youtube and you can't get on Facebook.
 The only thing I dislike about the netbooks, is how there is Open Office, rather than Microsoft Word. All the computers in the school have Open Office now, but this is really the only think I dislike about the netbooks.
 The way the keyboard is so small and hard to type on without messing up.
 I'm not really much of a computer person so im easily bored with them, the keyboards are really small which makes it hard to type, and its kind of inconvienient how the netbooks use openoffice, while everything else uses microsoft word.
 I don't dislike anything about using netbooks in the classrooms
 I like that we can all simply just stand up and go grab our own computer, rather than waiting for one of the 3 stationary computers in the room.
 I dont dislike using the netbooks in class
 You can't use myspace or other social websites.
 I dislike almost everything about my netbook. They are slow, tiny, hard to type on, hard to use, and a hassle to deal with.
 1. IT USES LINUX. 2. The keyboard is way too small. I find myself pressing the up arrow when reaching for shift, which is also WAY too small on the right side.
 It's confusing. They almost always have some kind of problem. We have to be very VERY careful with them.
 1. Using a netbook for learning wastes much electricity. 2. Learning takes a longer time using a netbook. 3. All computers, including netbooks, at some point, will stop working for some reason.
 I do not like how small they are, it is sometimes hard to type with them because i have big hands. Also the mouse pad is too sensitive.
 That when i'm typing it'll jump somewhere in my essay i don't want to be.
 sometimes i loose connection and if my documents are on my net book i cant bring it home because my jump drive doesnt work at home cuz i dont have open office.
 We are not allowed to play games.
 I don't dislike anything about using our netbooks they are very useful
 I don't like how we rarely use our netbooks.
 I don't like to get up and go get it.
 The keyboard is far too small, as is the screen. It is difficult to use and somewhat clunky.
 they are not that good when it comes to typing because they are small and you touch the pad to much.
 nothing really
 take to long to load
 I don't have any dislikes with using the netbooks.
 They are small
 i have no compaints!!
 I really don't have a problem with the netbooks in the class room.
 Open office, how small the keys are, and its not windows.
 1) I'm not that good at typing. 2)That is the only problem I have. 3) No seriously!
 the keypad!
 I dislike that alot of kids are able to play games when they are supposed to be working.
 I dont like it when one person would get in trouble then the whole class has to listen to the speech over and over and over again.
 I do not dislike using the netbooks in class.
 having little time to explore them
 Whenever it won't let me log on. When it turns off on its own when I'm working on an assignment and i have to start all over. When it will not save my assignments.
 The keyboard is hard to type on, and the screen is small, and if you barely touch something, it will do something weird.
 i don't dislike using them i like using them
 I dislike the fact that the keyboards are so small, and that even now it will do something that I didn't want it to do while I was typing, and accidentally pressed a wrong key.
 nothing really.
  So small. The way the keys are sized.
 it makes a lot of noise
 I don't like to type a lot.
 the net books have limited audio and video capabilities
 It doesn't have Java!
 Sometimes it's just a distraction. It sometimes doesn't work.
 There is nothing I dislike about the netbooks.
 Well, When they start up it makes a Annoying sound, and it is very distracting, lots of times. And Having to bring it with you around verywhere.
 That they boring to use if we have computer in the computer lab I think that we way to many computers in our school, so they were a waist of money.
 Sometimes my net books stop working and i don't like it at all i don't like it when it freeze
 Doing essays because i would rather write them down then tipe because we cant take are netbooks home with us.
 that we cant use some of the adds on Mr.Middens page. thats about all.
 The keyboard is tiny and hard to use. Sometimes they freeze up. I don't like waiting like ten minutes for it to start up.
 Having restrictions that don't allow us to listen to music even if it is appropriate for school. There are so many educational games out there but there are restrictions to almost all of them.
 I don't like that you have to bring it around with you. It is just another thing that you have to carry around to classes.
 I actually like having the netbook in the classroom even though I would rather hand wright essays.
 There aren't some programs that can be on a computer.
 i really don't think there is anything that i dont like about it the net books are fantastic
 projects that are hard
 That are some acess denied things, that when we print some times the printers backed up, and that sometimes the netbook is really really slow.
 Do not no
 I don't dislike anything about then
 Trouble web sites
 I like every thing about it.
 I don't really know.
 it is slow
 No background, screen saver,or certain games.
 almost everything is blocked
 There is always a chance someone will drop it or somebody might bump into you, thus causing your netbook to fall.
  Well everybodies distracted about playing games instead of doing their work.
 that they can brake easily.
 sometimes I get confused about where the teachers want us to go.
 Not being able to play application games more often,and not being able to go on my favorite website(
 We don't get to change our backgrounds anymore because some people used inappropriate ones.
 Sometimes the internet is slow.
 You take test
 It can cause some commotion sometimes. if someone does the wrong thing people start yelling.
 * It sometimes messes up, and clicks places I don't want them to click - my mouse goes kind of crazy.
  Don't run many programs It doesn't allow Not very good
 Inappropriate images when we search Google images. inappropriate backgrounds.
 At study hall we are not allowed to play games.
 Sometimes teacher don't let us play other games that online.
 When some people do wrong things, we all get punished. We are not trusted on certain websites. They Can sometimes mess up your work.
 Sometimes, it gets messed up, and ruins my projects.
 I like everything! I don't know what I dislike about them.
 Sometimes it's hard to understand netbook.
 We can't go to any game we want.
 Sometimes they are very annoying because, they get disconnected, or, if you are in the 5th grade spelling room, witch happens to be the room we most frequently use the netbooks in, they are super slow and it drives me crazy!!!!!
 there distracting to other people they get misused a lot
 Then don't always get internet conation.

Total: 319

22. What advice would you give to a teacher who wanted to use netbooks in his or her classroom?

 watch your students
 do it , it helps finish assignments faster. And makes learning more fun.
 Don't get net books get laptops they are about the same price and its a bad idea either way since you only get to use it once or twice a week...Its a big waste of money, since all you can do is go to the schools' website.
 Block Slipknot sites
 just let use.
 Use them as often as you can.
 To use google to help learn about different things.
 That i know that were not suppose to listen to music but probly you allow allow a little of it.
 Advice? I'm not that good at giving advice, though I would say do it! Netbooks make everything more interesting and fun!
 I dont know.
 To just go ahead and use them.
 I would give him\her the info how to use it and how much i like it
 Make sure you have a orginazed place for them, and a orginized place for their cases, because we sometimes loose our cases. Also make sure the name of the kid, or number is one the case so kids don't get them mixed up.
 That you should not let them go on any sights not known to the teacher and get them in trouble....
 It is a good thing to have, just make sure you know how to fix them when they are not working.
 ??????????????????? i dont know
 let students take them home if needed.
 I would suggest that the teacher should regularly walk around the room and make sure the students are doing what they are told to do. And that the teacher keeps his or her eye out for any students that are mistreating their netbooks.
 that they are not allways the best yo use
 watch what you do and don't block be care full that your locks aren't fail proof or people will get though them
 Give activates that kids would like doing.
 it's pretty cool. [but books are better]
 they are very good, and the kids might respect you better
 13 (4%) 
 be careful of the keys
 i don' t have any advice for the teacher
 Its a great idea it makes learning fun and easier for kids
 it is great you can do work and upload some other work to a netbook
 To let us play internet games again.
 I say that they can make a student get more open to learn.
 the some times have problems.
 Netbooks are very delect and dont brake.
 I will give them an advice.
 I don't any advice for my teacher.
 They are way easier to do assignments on than paper and pencil.
 To let his/her classroom do fun but educational games.
 The netbooks are a lot of fun and they helpthe students do our work if we need to use it.
 If we can't change backgrounds neither can they and we will all be super happy
 I want to give them an advice about how the students like to use them, but sometime they miss use them. So, whenever they miss use it, you should punish them, but whenever they use it correctly, compliment them.
 to give us more good privledges.
  To tell his or her students to be careful
 You can tell them that they can go to the same site that there on.
 They can change there backgrounds.
 how to sigh in
 how to get it to remember your username and password
 be sure to handle it carefuly
 Make sure the kids use it the right way.
 I would be nice to you
 To use them.
 I would let her or him use it if needed or whated to see it.
  Tell her if I can work on work
 I would tell them how to use it
 To be careful and have fun .
 Not to let the kids misuse the netbooks.
 to get the net books to do research to help us study.
 I would probably tell them that they could possibly just buy more, and that we use them for many different subjects and research.
 Make sure the students go on okay web sites. Make sure they don't drop them. Make sure they don't get noisy.
 I would tell the teacher if want to use the netbook you won't want to drop the netbook. Also I would tell the teacher to make sure you lock up the netbooks so nobody takes the at night.
  How to use ubunto
 I could say You could find much more interesting facts.
 The net books work very well. There fast and easy to use.
 I would tell the teacher to watch some kids carefully when they use the netbooks.
 I would say to them to watch for people that go on bad websites.
 by some more
 my advice would be yes we do want to use our netbooks.
 i would give headphones and thumb drives.
 You should let us use it for any games.
 Try to use it for projects.
 Don't use it too much.
 Tell the kids it's a big responsibility. But it really helps your learning.
 let us use them for music and games more
 Mrs. ? or Mr.?, Let them use their netbook, because they can do educational game,and their assignments.
 Sometimes it may give your class problems.
 Find out what the students think are good and bad about it, and try to cover those problems. Make sure all students can control the netbook, and if they really can't, get them a mouse, if it makes it easier for them.
 They are used for doing work.
 To let the kids listen to music while doing his or her work, for example- I'm researching, and at the same time, I'm on Radio Disney listening to music.
 * Be careful with it. * Don't download stuffs unless the students need it.
 It is sometimes easy.
 to how her how to do it
 I would let them do what they want to do!
 It is easier to work on them and you don't have to pass paper out that wastes time.
 To be careful with it at all times.
 That I agree with them.
 This netbook policy is good. Keep this policy.
 i dont know
 Have a good system for netbook storage, so they are easy to get out and put away.
 I wish that the only time we had to use the netbooks was when we are typing something
 To keep them so your students have access to them all the time while they are at school, but make sure the students take care of them.
 use them wisely and monitor the kids using them
 to use them wisely and watch the kids using them.
 I don't know.
 "Don't use the netbooks, use macs."
 I would say that they should because it is faster than penci and paper.
 make sure you do not drop it because it is very fragile and a great piece of technology.
 To tell the students to be careful.
 They are very helpful and easy to use so< they should use the netbooks
 i would say go and use them cause they are pretty awesome.
 Make sure the students use their netbooks for work and once they're done let them play the game.
 I would say that they are of great use and could even improve your class's grades. They could also get their work done faster.
 To make sure each student know what computer number because if not they will not be able to log in.
 I would say to that person to make sure you let your students use them but don't do anything inappropriate
 i would give him none
 well to probably mack sure that they are walking
 do not mess it up
 That it would be a good way to have your students to learn what they need to learn in a fun way
 i would tell them that it is really fun and you work faster.
 make rules and have more experience with the netbooks before using them.
 Sometimes they can give you a hard time, but other than that they are perfectly fine for child use...
 That it is really great, and helps the kids with their work a lot, because in our grade the teachers have a lot of fun educational game we get to play and then we all have a computer to learn and play on.
 I would remiand them to mack shour that they plug them in.
 3day of a week.
 It`s a fun new way to interact with your students it`s really fun and awesome.You should get it.....
 I think that we should use our net books alot more than pencil and paper. It seems more fun in all classes when we do our lessons on our net books. And I think if they assign us homework it should be online so that if we use it we have access to another sheet. Also if we don't have a computer at home we should be able to take the net books home with us to do that homework to stop killing trees!!
 do not be so strict with the netbooks. As in let the students change the backround and if the students don't have anything to do during study hall then let them get on the netbooks and look at the news or educational games.
 To make sure that we are doing something school appropriate. let kids have some free time. Like in study hall.
 It is a great way for the kids to learn. You can put educational games on their that will make the kids have a whole lot more fun.
 I would tell them that if they were going to make us bring then to their class to make sure the assignment is appropriate for the class.
  i wouldn't give them any advice besides just to be careful because they probably now more about them than we do
 It really depends on the situation. Writing a paper would be good. Taking a quiz would also be good. Baking a pie would not.
 tell the kids to not misuse the netbooks.
 I tell him that can we have a extra time working and playing games on the netbook.
 Do not drop them.
 I don't now
 i would tell them they should because it makes it fun for the kids
 I'd say "yes"
 I don't know.
 I don't know
 To have the students take care of them.
 I would give a 100% yes.
 Be careful and if a box pops or something click cancel.
 Use them wisely, and don't let students abuse them with the freedom they receive while using them. Also, incorporate them into lessons, because it gets students actively involved in class. AND HAVE FUN!:)
 They could be helpful, but the computer itself is too sensitive, and at times deletes all my work.
 I would advise them to maybe go a little slower on teaching. Because some people are good with computers and some are really inexperienced with computers.
 have no advice
 I wouldn't give any advice because I know nothing about this kind of stuff.
  Try to give more freedom with the netbooks.
 Be clear on the rules for useg
 To be careful with the scroll bar on the mouse and to always save whenever you tipe something out.
 Tell the students to be very careful.
 That they should tell the students to be careful when using the netbooks. And that they should use the netbooks a lot every day.
 yes you may
 To let kids use them cause there faster
 We should get to use them all the time.
 Use the netbook like any other computer
 i don't really have any.
 Make sure that you run through all of the programs you will be using with your class so that your students get a better understanding of the software.
 i don"t know
 Yes the netbooks help alot.
 They could teach you a lot.
  To make sure to take care of them.
 You have to be very careful with them and you have to hold them very carefully.
 I would say to not have them do things that bore them on the netbooks.
 I would say ''Can I use my netbook on my work.''
 I would advise that teachers allow students to customize their computer to make their envirornment more friendly.
 I'm not really sure about that.
 I would tell he or she netbooks are a lot of fun and easy to get work done and easy to use and the students will love them
 There is really no advice to give them.
 When you use them, make sure the things you want to teach are easy to do for the kids, for the most part they are.
 I would tell them that they should use it more, because it makes the classroom more interesting
 Make sure the students know the consequences of mistreating your netbook.
 Use a bunch of different games, internet sites, word processing, powerpoint, etc..
 That the students would love them and it would improve homework productivity.
 To make sure the students understand all of the rules about how to care for the netbook so that there are not any problems.
 I would tell them to let students bring mouses into the classroom.
 To use it more.
 To give us more free time.
 Just to make sure that the teachers are careful with them and tell the students the same, also if you have them use them.
 I would tell the teacher to keep a close eye on the students so no one would damage or steal the netbooks.
 I would suggest to give projects that could be done in netbooks.
 Be patient with them and also very careful because they are fragile.
 I would tell them to make sure they had the same programs and devices on their computer as it is on the netbook so if a student needs help they will be more likely to help them.
 I do not no
 take it home.
 You can use netbook as helpful, but you have to be restrict about harmful things such as video games.
 i would tell them to set up a printer.
 I would tell them to let students bring in there own mouse to plug into the net book and use.
 It's a great tool.
 don't be so mean.
 They are definitely worth it and you won't regret getting them.
 Be more involved in it, like Mr. Wright is.
 Look at the news and listen to music. Another advice would be writing a good short story.
 that they should get them
 I would say its a good idea to use the netbooks because whatever class you are teaching the studewnts will have a computer to use, rather than arguing over the 3 computers that were used before the netbooks.
 That we should use them more often.
 i would tell them that they really help students to gewt thewir work done quickly.
 Make sure the students take good care of them, or misuse them.
 I would say get them. Because they really are helpful to the students.
 I would tell him or her that it is a good choice and that it will be much more convenient for him/her and his/her students
 To get them but watch that students are taking care ofthem
 Don't get these things in a million years. They are a waste of time, money, and energy.
 I would tell them to install Windows on the laptop before use, because Linux is not good at all in my opinion.
 I honestly have no idea. I don't use the netbooks very often and they seem to work pretty fine for me. I'll get back to you on that question because i haven't gotten the chase to think of any advice yet.
 I would store store the computers in a shelf or cart in a remote part of the classroom. I would check the computers everyday to make sure they are plugged in and orderly. I would record the computers that might have problems.
 They are very fun and a good help with the class students.
 Make sure the student is responsible and won't tear up your property.
 make sure to tell the students to use them correctly and explain to them how to do everything on the projector
 Be very strict with the handling of them. (so no "accidents" occur although none have happened so far)
 Say, "Heck Yes!"
 Use them they are very helpful and students can get writing assignments done much more quickly and efficiently
 I would suggest they be strict about the usage of the netbooks, because the students in my grade sometimes do not handle the computers correctly.
 Have a shelf always keep them charged. :)
 I would say that you need a larger design and NOT LINUX!!!!!
 I have no advice.
 I would say yah, but need to set up boundaries and rules while using them.
 I dont have any advice
 to let use have wallpaper in the backgrand
 it is easy
 Get them.
 do it...quicker work.
 That they are better than the older computer
 I would tell them that its a good idea, it keeps the students more focused and they learn more.
 There is no advice
 they realy need to learn how to use them better.
 I would say that make sure your students don't break the computers.
 let the kids who know about computers do what they have to without yelling at them for going ahead.
 Let us use them in our notes (Mrs. Fuller)
 I would say with some teachers to actually use them in some class we don't get to.
 nothing really
 don't let irresponsible students use them
 Make sure u keep the system orginized and keep an eye on what your students are doing on the netbooks.
 Use BOTH of your hands to pick it up or you will NEVER be able to use it again!!!!
 Be careful with who you trust the computers to.
 font give students large projects on the net books in a short amount of time
 You should use it, it is exciting fun and it would work very fine... at times.
 I would not have any advice for the teacher.
 i would say do it it will help kids pay more attention in class and be more in with activity you are doing
 I don't think that I would give any advice, because these computers are like any others, and they're pretty self explanatory. One piece of advice I would give the teachers is to watch what their students are looking up on the Internet. That would be all I would give them
 go ahead if you trust your students and you want to use the netbook.
 Make sure that the students not misuse them because i bet that net books are easy to break
  they are a good improvement and really help get stuff done faster
 It helps a lot.
 they help use do more work and get it done faster.
 I have nothing to suggest.
 i do not know.
 Not to leave it on all the time. Students will most likely be playing on it. Some classmates in my class do that a lot.
 You should let the kids use them but for homework and games. But not to many games and make sure they don't use it like they're not supposed to.
 They are Very Fun! There great to have for any one!!!!! :)
 I do not know
 I don't have any advice to give a teacher.
 if we can take them home with us to do are homework.
 if they have study hall try 2 give them a little time during study hall to play games.
 I really have no clue
 A warning of how to take care of the netbook.
 Try to incorporate lots of activities that tie in with homework. The machines will get the student's undivided attention and the kids will be having fun!
 Try to include a lot of fun activities with the lesson so the students will be more interested and they will learn more.
 I would suggest that they get the regular size laptops because they have bigger screens and they show more things. And they have room for you to type. Its hard to type on little screens.
 Maybe use it more often with educational and subject related games, so that the students are paying attention during class.Also use it more often during class maybe.
 i would give the teacher advice to the teacher about what the majority of the students like and don't like
 i do not know
 That she should totally do it [get the netbooks] but be careful.
 I do not no
 make sure the kids take great care of them
 They are fun
 That the students would really enjoy it.
 Be careful with your netbook.
 don't know
 That it is a good thing for students.
 Stress how important it is to take extremely good care of the netbooks.
 It great and interactive make sure your students are responsible
 not to
 Make sure that the kids in your class are responsible so they won't break theirs.
 I think the students would have to be responsible for their netbooks and try not to get distracted.
 I would tell that the netbooks are delicate and brake easily.
 Be sure to tell the the students that they are easy to break.
 Always let students type on them.Netbooks are as close as we have to computers for kids.It teaches them a lesson of responsibility.
 Call people up to get netbooks in rows or by tables because if people go all at once netbooks are VERY likely to get dropped.
 Make sure kids do what they are supposed to do.
 Take good care of them.they're a privilege.
 Use it because it makes homework easier and enjoyable
 it is very helpful
 They are very useful, but the keyboards are immensly small.
 Have strict rules, and make sure your students are enjoying them.
 don't let them go to websites their not suppose to be on
 if they use it they need to be cautionary
  You can if you want and it will make the kids happy until someone messes up.
 Take close observation to see if they search anything or find anything inappropriate.
 don't no
 "You shall strongly agree to use them."
 Always look at what the students are looking at when in classroom.Some people look at inapropriate things.
 Take care my netbook! and becarefull!
 you can do awsome stuff on it.
 They should let us take them home.
 That they're great and easy to use.
 To care for them, because they help us a lot.
 You have to be careful about netbook.Their easy to brake.
 I would tell her that there is many things that are cool in netbooks.
 Make sure the people who are using them don't look at anything inappropriate, and make sure the people who are using them are trustworthy and responsible!!!!!!!!
 yo should get them
 They make some things easier but they also have a few problems.
 First netbooks are more easier to work with for the teachers, like tests it makes it easier on the teacher because all they have to do is say go to this website and explain the directions rather then say all the words and do repetes.

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